Visio Divina on Christmas Eve

Visio Divina is a way of creating space to pay attention to what God may be stirring in us through a piece of art.

Vision Divina = “sacred seeing” — is an ancient form of Christian prayer in which we allow our hearts and imaginations to enter into a sacred image, in silence, to see what God might have to say to us.

The particular image we will be practicing Vision Divina for Christmas Eve is: Seeing Shepherds by Daniel Bonnell

Link for artist: (see below)

Similar to Lectio Divina, you may recognize similar movements:

5 MOVEMENTS of Visio Divina on Christmas Eve:

First:  We will consider breathing deeply in and out as a way of opening our bodies, hearts, and minds unto God . Ask God to speak clearly to us in a way that we can hear. Prepare to bring our whole selves – analytical, emotional, and intuitive – to the process. (Heb 4:1)  Ask God to open the eyes of my heart, enabling me to see what God wants me to see. (Eph 1:17-19).

Second: We will begin by gazing at the image.  We will look and pay attention to what pops, zings, stands out to us. Take mental or written notes.

Third:  We will be curious as to what was behind/underneath what we noticed or were drawn to in the image.  Imagine that you are in this scene. What do you see from your vantage point? What do you hear? smell? sense? What is God asking you to personally encounter with God’s Presence?

Fourth:  Create space to speak with God about the particularities of what we noticed. Does the image now evoke a value or different way of thinking or being?  Does it open or deepen a desire in my heart?  How do I feel God is calling me to respond:  Gratitude?  Supplication?  Wonder?  Lament?  Confession?  Forgiveness?  Praise? How is the Divine present to me in this experience?

Fifth: Return to the image and rest in it with the Presence of God. Consider breathing in and out and offering a gesture of gratitude for the art, time, and space with God.

For more resources on Visio Divina, check out this workshop:


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