Join a Table group.
Setting all kinds & sizes of “Tables” are our version of smaller groups…and they are portable, adaptable, and gather in various locations in Greater Portland.
Tables are sacred spaces to be formed in the Way of Jesus as we embody the practices of: Word, Spirit, Justice, and Community.
Taco Tuesdays
As we cultivate sustainable rhythms and communal habits for people of all ages in this post-pandemic era, we invite you to consider joining us for Tacos on most Tuesdays.
Taco Tuesday is a low-threshold way to get to know each other better and to invite new friends into the Table Community mix. After all, everybody loves tacos!!!
During the Summer months (mid-June through mid-September), we will PAUSE holding regular meals but sign-up for our e-news or GroupME to find out about spontaneous happenings!
Please bring “Taco” themed item(s) to share with the group!!!
:: Taco Tuesday is a formational space for a smaller group to embody the Presence of Christ through the practice of Eating & Drinking a Eucharistic meal with one another ::
Please fill out this form for more details or to join and Abbie or Pr. David will reach out to you.
Tiny Tables
As we cultivate sustainable rhythms and communal habits for people of all ages in this post-pandemic era, we invite you to consider joining a Tiny Table. Each group will hold a brief, weekly space for discipling + nurturing + accountability through a seasonal “menu” related to our S.E.T. practices.
Each triad will have a Table Setter who will invite you to a weekly time and location based on geography and availability.
:: Tiny Tables are formational spaces for groups of 3ish people to practice encountering + embodying + extending the love of Jesus in Portlandia ::
If you would like to join a triad, please fill out this form for and Pr. David will reach out to you shortly.
Sermon Prep
What do we preach and why do we preach it? Join a team of individuals meeting to discuss the dynamics between scripture, culture, and the local church.
Tuesdays at 7:33am at Coveside Coffee (Vannah St. - Portland).
Hosted by David Zigler
Fill out this form to join the Sermon Prep Table and David will reach out to you shortly.
Office Hours
This is a time to connect during the week with Pastor David at a local establishment or over a walk.
Times will vary each week. Fill out the and David will reach out to you about connecting during his office hours.