
Listen to our sermon conversations from past weeks. We will continue to make our gatherings available virtually for those who are unable to join in person. Past gatherings, sermons, and accompanying notes will be posted here.



Series Conversation: Generous Justice

Text(s): Exodus 1-3

Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time



Series Conversation: Generous Justice

Text(s): Enthronement Psalms (97-99) + Genesis 47 + Exodus 1

Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time



Series Conversation: In-between MixTape

Text(s): Psalm 107

Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time



Series Conversation: Summer Mix Tape - Psalms + Parables + Provoking Questions

Text(s): Scope of Passages

Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time



Series Conversation: Summer Mix Tape - Psalms + Parables + Provoking Questions

Text(s): Psalm 121

Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time



Series Conversation: Summer Mix Tape - Psalms + Parables + Provoking Questions

Text(s): Luke 10:38-42

Liturgical Season: Ordinary Time


Ordinary Time: Summer Mix Tape - Psalms + Parables + Provoking Questions

Text(s): Psalm 114 /Matthew 18



Pentecost: The Ninefold Path of Jesus - A Journey through the Beatitudes

Text(s): Matthew 5:7



Pentecost: The Ninefold Path of Jesus - A Journey through the Beatitudes

Text(s): Matthew 28:16-20 + Matthew 5:1-11



Eastertide: The Ninefold Path of Jesus - A Resurrection Journey through the Beatitudes

Text(s): Matthew 28:16-20 + Matthew 5:1-11



Eastertide: The Ninefold Path of Jesus - A Resurrection Journey through the Beatitudes

Text(s): Matthew 28:16-20 + Matthew 5:1-11



Eastertide: The Ninefold Path of Jesus - A Resurrection Journey through the Beatitudes

Text(s): Matthew 28:16-20 + Matthew 5:1-11


Epiphany: Esther radiates the curiosity of God

Text(s): Esther 1 & 2:19-3



Epiphany: Esther radiates the curiosity of God

Text(s): Esther 1 & 2:1-18



Ruthlessly Eliminating Hurry : Battleship Game for a Restless Society

Text(s): Matthew 11: 28-30 + John 15:1-8

Notes Page



Ruthlessly Eliminating Hurry : Yoke Games for a Restless Society

Text(s): Matthew 11: 16-30

Notes Page


Join us in practicing these Subversive Games for Week of Oct. 24-30:

  • Play Battleship w/ The Christ aka Craft a Rule of Life


Join us in practicing these Subversive Games for Week of Oct. 17-23:

  • Tag a Tree

  • Corral a Pocket Screen

  • Haggah 33



Ruthlessly Eliminating Hurry : Attention Games for a Restless Society

Text(s): Matthew 6:19-34 / Psalm 1

Notes Page



Ruthlessly Eliminating Hurry : Subversive Games for a Restless Society

Text(s): Matthew 11:28-30

Series Trailer/Teaser: When people ask us, “How are you doing?”  Often the common response is, “Good…but…”  What is often the next word out of our mouths?  …BUSY!…  Busy seems to be the standard pace for most of us in our Western context.  What if...another approach is at hand?  What if...God moves at a different pace?  What if...Jesus patterned the pace of God and invited us to follow?  What might it look like?  It might be a pace more like 3 miles per hour — which is the pace the average human walks.  What else might it look like in 2021?  Perhaps it would like like resisting our pockets screens and cultivating some specific practices for un-hurrying our lifestyle.  And what if... those practices were much more like subversive “games” that act as an antidote to a restless society?  And what if these games were like invitations from the Christ for us to be formed more into playful and restful beings made in the image of God?  And what would it look like if we invited others to play these subversive games along with us?

During the span of October-November, we will engage in "Ruthlessly Eliminating Hurry" sermon conversation and games that will help us practice un-hurrying as a community and in our everyday lives.  We have a hunch these practices may also usher us into an unhurried Advent & Christmas season!

Join us in practicing these Subversive Games for Week of Oct. 10-16:

  • Tag a Tree

  • Corral a Pocket Screen


Subversive Games for this Week:

  • Tag a Tree

  • 20 second Hand Wash & Breath Prayer

  • 30x Chew & Savor



Summer Mix Tape vol. 9: Psalms & Parables

Text(s): Psalm 66

Reflections to Consider: Before we move into our new rental space - 884 Brighton Ave. - I want us to P.A.U.S.E. and recognize the disorienting past year we have faced as a community of faith and as a human race.  Many of our social and spiritual structures of stability were uprooted.  As the psalmist might say, “We went through fire and through waters.”

Can you name the specific ways over the past several years that Coastal Church has gone through “fire and waters”?

How about personally - In what specific ways were you displaced, disoriented, de-rooted over the past year or two?

Before we attempt to embody “spacious living” during this next season, it seems really appropriate to observe the struggle.

…Now as the psalmist in Psalm 66 invites us, let’s, “Shout with joy to God, all the earth!” for leading us into a recurring exodus-like experience from the fire and waters.

Prayerfully consider, What are some of the awesome deeds God has done on behalf of Coastal Church and on behalf of us as family units and individuals over the past year or two?

And lastly, Psalm 66 prophetically speaks about God providing new ground, new space, new orientation.

What are we joining with God in dreaming about for Coastal Church?  What might be the “spaciousness” that God has in store for us?

How about personally - Is there a particular place in your own heart, mind, or soul that has felt trampled or secluded, skinny, or broken?  Consider asking the Spirit of God to orient you through this current fire and the water into a spacious, abundant, wide, whole place!

Summer Practices: Trees + Tunes + Treats

Trees: Consider meditating aloud from Psalm 66 this week as we work through the many seasonal and communal transitions.

Tunes: Consider meditating on Robbie Seay Band’s version of Psalm 66 located on our Summer Spotify playlist.

Treats: Consider offering a tangible blessing of spaciousness to a neighbor who might be experiencing “fires and waters”.



Summer Mix Tape vol. 9: Psalms & Parables

Text(s): Psalm 145



Roots & Wings: The Spirit Converts through Trimming & Molting

Text(s): Acts 9:1-19



Roots & Wings: The Prevenient Spirit & Convening Community!

Text(s): Acts 8:26-40



Roots & Wings: The Spirit is Mystical, not for sale!

Text(s): Acts 8:1-25



Roots & Wings: Stephen & Simpsons Critique…

Today’s Text(s): Acts 6:9-7:60



Roots & Wings: Sneezable & Demonstrateable…

Today’s Text(s): Acts 6:1-8



Roots & Wings: The Story Goes On…

Today’s Text(s): Acts 5:12-42



Roots & Wings: Drunk & Questionable Lives IV

Today’s Text(s): Acts 4:32-5:1-11


Roots & Wings: Drunk & Questionable Lives III

Today’s Text(s): Acts 4:1-31



Roots & Wings: Drunk & Questionable Lives II

Today’s Text(s): Acts 3



Eastertide: Pong & Forgiveness - Part 6

Today’s Text(s): Matthew 16:13-20 / Luke 23:34 & Luke 24:36-49 / Psalm 46

Resources & References:

NT Wright - Evil and the Justice of God

Rob Bell - Mars Hill Sermon series - Forgiveness 2006

Center for Action & Contemplation - Spirituality of Letting Go

Podcasts: The “F” Word Project Podcast + Ted Radio Hour Podcast + The Gift of Forgiveness Podcast

Nadia Bolz-Weber - Pastrix, Confession & Cancellation



Eastertide: Pong & Forgiveness - Part 4

Today’s Text(s): John 21:15-19 / Luke 23:34 & Luke 24:36-49 / Psalm 46



Eastertide: Pong & Forgiveness - Part 3

Today’s Text(s): Text(s): Psalm 46 / Luke 23:34 & Luke 24:36-49



Eastertide: Pong & Forgiveness - Part 2

Today’s Text(s): Luke 23:23 / Luke 24:1-12



Lent: Palm Sunday as a Summons for Flipping Tables

Today’s Text(s): Matthew 21:1-17 / Luke 19:28-44 / Zechariah 9:9-12



Lent: Sermon on the Mount as a summons to Pay Attention & Give Up

Today’s Text(s): Exodus 20:1-21, Matthew 5:1-12, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31



Lent: Sermon on the Mount summons an Alternative to Pharaoh

Today’s Text(s): Exodus 20:1-21, Matthew 5:1-12, 1 Corinthians 1:18-31



Epiphany: Aim Small, Miss Small with Shiprah & Puah

Today’s Text: Romans 12 & Exodus 1 & 2



Advent Joy: Interruption & Imagination

Today’s Text: Luke 1:26-80



Advent Faith: Interruption & Imagination

Today’s Text: Luke 1: 26-45



Advent Hope: Interruption & Imagination

Today’s Text: Luke 1:5-25



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: Interruption & Imagination

Thematic Texts: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15

Today’s Text: Luke 22:14-20



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: Interruption & Imagination

Thematic Texts: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15

Today’s Text: Luke 18:31-43



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: Interruption & Imagination

Thematic Texts: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15

Today’s Text: Matthew 13



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: Interruption & Imagination

Thematic Texts: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15

Today’s Text: Luke 6:1-11



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: Interruption & Imagination

Thematic Texts: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15

Today’s Text: Luke 8:26-39



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: An Intro to Interruption & Imagination Vol. 2

Text: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15



The Politics of Jesus & Jubilee: An Intro to Interruption & Imagination

Text: Luke 4:14-30 & Mark 1:15

The Learning Circle

The Learning Circle



Hope Rising: A Study of 1 Peter + Summer 2020



Hope Rising: A Study of 1 Peter + Summer 2020



Hope Rising: A Study of 1 Peter + Summer 2020



Hope Rising: A Study of 1 Peter + Summer 2020



Hope Rising: A Study of 1 Peter + Summer 2020



Hope Rising: A Study of 1 Peter + Summer 2020



Boom Clap: Reset by Pentecost



Reset by Resurrection: Friends II



Reset by Resurrection: Friends I



Resurrection Meals II



Resurrection Meals I



Eastertide: Reset by Resurrection Meals

As we join with Jesus in the eating of ordinary meals, our lives can be reformed around sacramental elements.



Eastertide: Reset by Resurrection Wonder

As we join with God in Sabbath spaces, our working lives can be reformed around Wonder/Play.



Eastertide: The Flip Side

Today’s sermon is simplexly (simply and complexly) a reminder that Christ plays in 10,000 places and we are invited to pay attention to the more and other.



Easter: Christ Plays in 10,000 Places

Christ plays in 10,000 places and we are invited to pay attention to the more and other.



Palm Sunday

Permission to drink a Jesus cocktail.


Artwork by Brian Killeen